From the desk of the diskant Overlord – July 18th
Posted: July 18th, 2006, by Marceline SmithI am running out of ways to say sorry. Sorry there is little new content, sorry we are so slow at reviewing records, sorry I am spending too much time playing Animal Crossing. I’M SORRY!
Reasons I have not been updating diskant:
1. It’s too hot!
My laptop is practically overheating and I am sweltering just having it in typing distance. This, surely, is an excuse to buy a new laptop, yes?
2. I have RSI
Really, kids. Don’t spend all hours of the day on the computer, playing Nintendo and playing keyboards in a band. You will find yourself saddled with a lifetime of nagging pain. It’s all very well for my doctor to tell me to rest my arm but he doesn’t have a box full of CDs to review.
3. I have been doing band stuff
Notwithstanding waiting THIRTY FIVE MINUTES for a bus on the busiest road in Glasgow after band practice, we have been working hard for a couple of gigs. We supported Rother and Moebius last weekend who were rather good, especially went they went techno-krautrock or, even better, Neu goes Pet Shop Boys. I have to say they were the grumpiest band I have ever played with and possibly the only one not to even say hello to us. Even Wolf Eyes were friendlier! Next weekend we are playing in Dublin where I have never been before. I am looking forward to checking out the Botanic Gardens.
4. Yes, okay, Animal Crossing
Alex explains the madness so well on the blog. We are obsessed. I’m sorry.
Other diskanteers have also been busy. Simon and Stu for two. Go buy the new Sunnyvale Noise Sub-element 7" from Field Records.
Current listening: Pet Shop Boys, West End Girls, the Pipettes, Errors, Otterley, Findo Gask. I need to buy some new records.
diskant interview slackness stats: Interviewees: 2, Me: 2
Marceline Smith
Marceline is the fierce, terrifying force behind, laughing with disdain as she fires sharpened blades of sarcasm in all directions. Based in Scotland, her lexicon consists of words such as 'jings', 'aboot' and 'aye': our trained voice analysts are yet to decipher some of the relentless stream of genius uttered on a twenty-four hour basis. Marceline's hobbies include working too much and going out in bad weather.