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DOG MEN POETS: Birth Of The Cool

Posted: June 23rd, 2005, by Tom Leins

Texan/Scottish pop troupe Dog Men Poets describe themselves as ‘The A-Team kidnapping George Clinton on their way to Mexico’. I think they sound more like The Fugees kidnapping The Red Hot Chilli Peppers on their way to Walmart!

The band numbers a Scottish singer (his name’s Matt Barker in case anyone out there knows him), a renowned Slam Poet, a beat-boxing percussive machine and “one of the few guitarists to have played with both Stevie-Ray Vaughan and Snoop Dogg” (presumably not at the same time). [Fact fans: If anyone out there can think of one of the other guitarists to have played with the aforementioned duo, send your answers on a post-card to the usual address, or scratch them into your arm with a blunt pencil – whichever, really…

Oh, yeah- they’ve also got a drummer who used to play in an international reggae band called Buffalo Solder. If that isn’t a mis-print, then Buffalo Solder is my favourite band name since Pubic Enemy(!).
But i digress. This is a slick, multi-cultural grab-bag of radio-friendly, child-friendly, Walmart-friendly funk-hop. Not really my cup of funk-hop, but that shouldn’t affect their depressingly-inevitable progress. They’ll doubtless be huge.

PS. 102.5 FM, Mexico City thinks that “This disc’s loaded with hot adrenalin and funk. Dig it.” Who am i to argue?


Tom Leins

Tom is a relative obscurity in diskantland. All we know of him is that he's from Devon and that he writes a fanzine called 'Voices from Downtroddendom', so draw your own conclusions from that. Our conclusions are that he's probably got a funny accent and a bit too much time on his hands. So he'll fit right in around here.

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