
diskant is an independent music community based in Glasgow, Scotland and we have a whole team of people from all over the UK and beyond writing about independent music and culture, from interviews with new and established bands and labels to record and fanzine reviews and articles on art, festivals and politics. There's over ten years of content here so dig in!

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This is the news

Posted: January 19th, 2010, by Marceline Smith

– Our first interview of 2010 is up, as Pascal interviews no less than Brian Chippendale of Lightning Bolt. Hurrah! Read it here.

– We’re down to the last 10ish copies of the diskant 10 year anniversary zine so don’t miss out – get yours now! Once it sells out, I may consider doing a new diskant-related zine.

– For those of you who read the Christmas catch-up articles, I would like to say that the Al Burian zine/mini-book was indeed fantastic but just made me want a new proper long book. At least he has a blog too. Also that I never made it to the Yummy Fur reunion after managing to be ill from about December 4th to present. Bahhhhh. By all accounts, it was a nostalgia fest / Glasgow indie reunion of the highest order. Oh well.

– And finally, if you’re on Twitter, then you can follow the whole diskant team in one fell swoop by perusing the diskanteers list. Or, if you’re holding out from joining because it’s too “trendy” then you can RSS it instead and no-one will ever know. Enjoy!

Marceline Smith

Marceline is the fierce, terrifying force behind diskant.net, laughing with disdain as she fires sharpened blades of sarcasm in all directions. Based in Scotland, her lexicon consists of words such as 'jings', 'aboot' and 'aye': our trained voice analysts are yet to decipher some of the relentless stream of genius uttered on a twenty-four hour basis. Marceline's hobbies include working too much and going out in bad weather.


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