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Random Fun

Posted: April 10th, 2008, by Marceline Smith

I forsee no sleep ever again. CLICK HERE for random diskant goodness from the archives, then CLICK on the same link in the left sidebar and CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK. God, what a lot of amazing nonsense we used to post on here.

(yesyes, there are still many untitled and uncategorised posts back there. I’m not quite that bored, yet.)

Marceline Smith

Marceline is the fierce, terrifying force behind diskant.net, laughing with disdain as she fires sharpened blades of sarcasm in all directions. Based in Scotland, her lexicon consists of words such as 'jings', 'aboot' and 'aye': our trained voice analysts are yet to decipher some of the relentless stream of genius uttered on a twenty-four hour basis. Marceline's hobbies include working too much and going out in bad weather.


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