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HELLO CUCA – Gran Sur (GoJonnyGoGoGoGo)

Posted: February 23rd, 2005, by Simon Minter

The first I’ve heard from both this Spanish band, and this fantastically-named Leeds-based label. The album starts out with some vaguely rockabilly-sounding numbers; nicely lo-fi sounding guitar twangs over simple, plodding drums, and wandering melodic basslines. All very pleasant. After several songs, though, what could have easily stayed a twangy pop album becomes something more accomplished, and a Hello Cuca sound begins to emerge.

That Hello Cuca sound, to me, is part rockabilly; jaunty and stylish guitar playing. It’s part Liliput; yelped vocals and relentlessly repetitive rhythm. It’s part Le Tigre; female confidence and brazen poppiness. It’s part Clinic; clomping drumbeats and circular riffs. It’s part Girls in the Garage; a feeling of happy misfits. And it’s part Come on Pilgrim Pixies; knowing-sounding Spanish lyrics.

I’m worried that I’ve just described Hello Cuca as such an obvious blend of other things. Make no mistake, they’re not pure copyists or unoriginal bandwagon-jumpers by a long way. I really enjoyed this album – the fact that it reminds me of other things, whilst also holding off from going too far down any influence’s path, is a fine balancing trick to perfect.

Hello Cuca

Simon Minter

Simon joined diskant after falling on his head from a great height. A diskant legend in his own lifetime Simon has risen up the ranks through a mixture of foolhardiness and wit. When not breaking musical barriers with top pop combo Sunnyvale Noise Sub-element or releasing records in preposterously exciting packaging he relaxes by looking like Steve Albini.


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