Well. Hello.
Posted: March 15th, 2004, by Chris SI feel I must share with you all my bummedness. I am on a Norris McWherter style Guinness Book Of Records Dedication Is What You Need attempt to bust all previously known records for being in the most bands. However, this occasionally backfires when you have to turn down playing in a band you love because you have too many gigs with a band you’re in (and lovejust as much). Today I failed to get time off work to play bass in a band I shit the bed over. I am gutted. But as a non bass player it may work out to their advantage anyway. Bum.
But! On the plus side I bought a new car. A vintage Saab 900i. For those of you with a life you may recognise this car from the sleeve of Tweez by the popular band Slint. It munches petrol, hits every speed bump you go over (making a scraping sound from hell) and the heating knob is stuck on full. But in it I am LORD OF THE ROAD. I am Slazenger. And it will do 120 mph. I see my license disappearing.
All this financial activity means I am selling my Travis Bean. Not my yellow one which is the greatest thing in the world but my brown one, which is equally great but a bit under used. So get it before I change my mind. It is not cheap though.
Chris S
Chris lives for the rock and can often be seen stumbling drunkenly on (and off) stages far and wide. Other hobbies include wearing jumpers, arsing about with Photoshop and trying to beat the world record for the number of offensive comments made in any 24 hour period. He has been married twice but his heart really belongs to his guitars. All 436 of them.