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Posted: March 31st, 2008, by Ollie

The internet in “bloody good idea actually” shocker. Muxtape allows you to upload songs you like to make an online mixtape, which can be shared with friend and foe alike. Check out mine, and post your own. 


Ollie lives in Cambridge and puts on gigs as part of Crushing Death and Grief.


10 Responses to Muxtape

  1. Marceline

    Wow, that does actually look both useful and fun! Well done internets.

  2. Stan Tontas

    Do I have to create an account to listen to the tunes, or am I being stupid?

  3. Ollie

    Nah you should be able to listen without signing up, just click on the track.

    Other people should make some too! You can keep up to 12 as favourites, I have a few but could do with more.

  4. Stuart

    Jesus, why is the text so massive? Is that just a weird Firefox thing?

  5. Marceline

    It’s called DESIGN, Stuart.

    (but yes, it is a bit silly)

  6. Marceline

    I have done one: http://askingfortrouble.muxtape.com. it’s a bit random.

  7. Simon P

    Here’s mine. It’s called INTERSTITIAL.

    Ciccone Youth
    Lionel Marchetti
    Irr. App. (Ext.)
    Eric La Casa
    Mira Calix
    William Basinski
    Barry Adamson + Pan Sonic
    Shunatao/Noël Akchoté/Anna Luif

    get it here: fouriertransform.muxtape.com

  8. Marceline

    Well done Simon. I wonder what the longest playlist you could make would be, considering the 10mb file limit.

  9. Simon P

    I wonder what the longest playlist you could make would be, considering the 10mb file limit

    8 hours, 43 minutes and 38 seconds, if you encode at a constant bit rate of 32kbps. Each of the 12 tracks is 43 minutes long.

  10. Ollie

    Helpful advice from a friend:

    “I havent had a chance to make one yet, but i have discovered how to download the tracks (on a mac). if you go into the ‘window’ option on safari and then click activities you see all the mp3s you have downloaded. you can then alt + click the file to download it like you would any other song. Win!”