Posted: October 30th, 2008, by Dave Stockwell
Apologies for this, but seeing as Souvaris has been an ongoing concern for over 8 years now and have visited many strange and exciting lands (and venues) in our time, it’s always been a minor scandal that we have never ventured over the Scottish border. HOWEVER! This will change on Saturday, as we will be coming to Glasgow FOR THE FIRST TIME to help local heroes Dead or American to celebrate the release of their second album “Thaumaturgy” (that’s the art/science of miracle production, fact fans) on Predestination Records. With only two bands, it’s going to be a proper PARTY and hopefully both bands will get the chance to stretch out a bit and let loose. When your songs are as long as ours, it can only be a good thing. IT’S GOING TO BE A DOOZY!

So that’s £4 in, doors at 8pm and it’s at the Captain’s Rest. See you there?
Filed under: all about us, diskant, events, pie | 3 Comments »
Posted: May 22nd, 2008, by Stan Tontas
Diskant likes pie. This New York Times columnist doesn’t like pie as much as he likes rich people. And wars. He’s boring. This video is the best thing he’s ever been (inadvertently) involved with:[youtube][/youtube]
Apparently the pastry-wielding prankster in the video is facing expulsion from their university. Online petitions don’t amount to much more than a biscuit, but, hey, a University’s more likely to listen than a government, so why not sign this in support of the pie-thrower.
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Posted: February 7th, 2008, by Marceline Smith

Just to keep you updated – the new diskant is actually nearing completion and so you may notice some odd things going on in the next couple of weeks while we swap things over. The first part to launch will be an amalgamated blog of record reviews, films and all the usual nonsense. The new blog is so much better in terms of organisation, functionality and layout so I hope you like it. It does have a whole category dedicated to pie.
In the meantime, we are still not accepting review submissions. I am working on a new submission policy and all will be revealed soon.
Thank you for your patience!
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Posted: April 20th, 2005, by Marceline Smith
I thought I was forgetting something when I was posting about why the Grand Ole Opry is so great the other day but I really can’t believe I forgot about THE MAN SELLING HOT PIES. The sooner all venues have a man wandering around the audience with hot pies for sale, the sooner I can give up my plans to become evil dictator of the world.
But anyway, ALL TOMORROWS PARTIES is here, once again. I’m getting the train tomorrow and hope to see some of you there. We’re usually at the bar side of the room between gigs (which room depends on many things) or getting overexcited in the arcade. So, look out for us. There’s photos on some of our profiles linked on the left there and I’ll be selling hot pies BOXES on the record stalls on Sunday morning (so bring a spare fiver).
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Posted: August 29th, 2004, by Chris H
I’ve been to see some films at the Edinburgh Film Festival. Two of them were really good. Red Cockroaches is a SF film made for $2000, shot in NYC and edited on a home computer. I thought sounded a bit like ? and as everyone at diskant likes pie I thought I should taste it. It turned out not to have a huge amount in common with Aronofsky’s film, beyond no budget and an early scene on a subway platform. Apart from the obvious (it’s in colour), the pace of this film is more measured and it’s (arguably) a lot weirder. Like Star Wars (stolen line alert) it’s the sensitive tale of a boy’s attempt to sleep with his sister and the ensuing adventure. It’s thoughtfully shot and edited so well that although the effects are obviously digital, it looks better than films costing 1000x as much. No honestly, it’s fantastic.
Incident at Loch Ness is another film whose inventiveness makes up for its low budget. It’s the story of legendary director Werner Herzog’s attempt to make a documentary about the Loch Ness Monster. You might remember it being in the papers last September. Saying much about it would spoil the story so suffice to say not all goes to plan. Relationships in the crew are fraught to the point where the producer mutters to camera (after an argument about the boat), ‘at least we’re not dragging it over the mountain’.
The other film I saw was War, a moody post-apocalypse thing. When I was younger, post-apocalypse films were a lot more fun. They had punks and weird cars and guns. Here we have much mud, toil, graininess and confusion. Which is probably more truthful but unfortunately I’m no less confused about the film than I was before it finished. Some beautifully stark black & white photography didn’t make up for a lack of empathy with the characters and if I was feeling cruel I’d say that the film is plain boring and confuses moody with meaningful.
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Posted: March 30th, 2004, by Marceline Smith
I’m quite interested by the fact that no pain was caused by being in close contact with Lightning Bolt, Mogwai, Boredoms etc. but a 50 minute plane journey from London has broken my ears. Certainly I am getting old. But WOOO, best ATP ever! My top highlight was Lightning Bolt. Don’t listen to anyone who says they were crap, they’re just sulking about the playing on the floor thing. I couldn’t see them but they were still astonishingly great. So good I went next door and impulse bought the DVD. Also brilliant were Boredoms, Shellac, old skool Mogwai set and little old Chris Mack on that big stage. Tortoise, Papa M, Cat Power would have been great if I hadn’t shouted to people constantly over the former or been able to hear the latter two. I spent a lot of time being extremely un hardcore, sitting down during bands and hanging out at the chalet and thus had a 100% excellent band percentage by Saturday afternoon. My drinking antics were pathetic thanks to damaging my throat within 10 seconds of arriving in London. Most drunken person there – a tie between Chris Summerlin and Colin Kearney. Addition of the gambling area was a stroke of genius also. Yay, ATP. I’m off to have a bath now, despite spending half the weekend moaning about how our chalet had a bath instead of a shower. Go figure.
Shellac were AMAZING at my birthday party on Thursday also. I love that band. Hello to everyone I met and thanks to the kittens for my birthday pie, of which I ate 2/3rds. Mmmm, pie.
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Posted: June 3rd, 2002, by Kat Kitten
I just got back from Portugal a few days ago. It was great! We found an Iron Maiden tribute bar called Eddie’s Bar, apparantly Iron Maiden used to stay in Portugal loads. Someone idiot told us that Eddie, who owned the bar was an Iron Maiden roadie for 6 years. We asked the girl at the bar if we could speak to Eddie but got funny looks from everyone as the girl tried to explain that Eddie was the fictional zombie mascot of Iron Maiden. We felt very stupid.
I was roasting for the Interweb when I got home and was dead pleased to find the following headline on Yahoo: Pie overload threatens baking tradition.
We went to see the Breeders last night. They were on top form and dead funny. It was ace.
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Posted: April 24th, 2002, by Marceline Smith
– introducing Steve Albini to Simon Minter
– Shellac on Saturday and getting to sit at Albini’s feet and use up an entire film on them
– watching Ian Scanlon force down our gift of pie under our insistent eyes
– Professor Minter’s Saturday night balcony lecture on the subject of boxes
– waving, especially at Adrian Errol’s chalet
– OXES vandalising david’s shoes
– Rachel’s, Blonde Redhead, Dianogah, The Breeders and Zeni Geva for being great
– Todd Trainer. just generally
– Stu making me sandwiches
security man in the pub asking us if we’d been burning paper. not sure if this was due to my flaming shoes and flaming belt and Stu’s flaming shirt or because we’d been burning paper
– not being able to get photographic evidence of the twin Albinis
– Stu taking multiple photos of Simon Minter with ‘celebrities’ and forgetting to use the flash
– Adrian Errol refusing our pie. sob…
– Greg Kitten HIDING AGAIN
– missing most of OXES due to picking up photo pass
– Arcwelder and Mission of Burma for not managing to hold my attention. Cheap Trick for being crap and probably getting paid more than all the rest
of the bands put together
– falling asleep during Wire even though they were great
– being too lazy to go to Leeds and see Trail of Dead
– very little fighting action and no swords
– everyone leaving really early on Monday. place was deserted before we even got up.
So, is it next year yet?
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Posted: April 24th, 2002, by Stuart Fowkes
good things:
shellac. should be frozen right now and thawed out in thirty years to show people how to make perfect rock music. also, discussions on stage about band members’ beards are a good thing.
six minutes into blonde redhead‘s set, playing ‘bipolar’, warm feeling
simon albini demanding that everyone at atp listen to sonic youth and no other bands
giving ian scanlon pie
discovering that zeni geva are bluddy grate
jack daniel’s
meeting lots and lots of people who are nice and being in a proper ROCK gang
booking one of the bands who were at atp to play audioscope02
bad things:
being ill from too much alcohol, and this being directly responsible for my not meeting steve albini
adrian errol refusing pie
not seeing enough bands
ot being able to get in to see the fall
no sword fights or crazy golf, boo
cheap trick. rubbish trick, more like. also, arcwelder were disappointing, like a rubbish husker du.
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Posted: March 30th, 2002, by Greg Kitten
this wednesday i went to system of a down‘s third and final night at brixton academy. support was provided by dillenger escape plan who were energetic as hell but didn’t go down very well with ‘the kids’. or me. i imagine they would have been a lot more impressive if i’d gone along armed with knowledge of their songs, but for the uninitiated, they didn’t leave a lasting impression. system, on the other hand, were fucking awesome. and i’m not talking awesome as in like, radical, dude, i mean i was in frickin awe. they played for well over an hour, putting everything they had into it. the atmosphere and the crowd were great, it was gosh darn mind bogglingly fantastic. i ain’t had that much fun in ages. i’m very sore, strapped for cash and feel like i’m getting ill, but it was so worth it. absolutely astounding. apple pie, mutherfuckers.
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