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Atom Sunn Mother

Posted: February 10th, 2008, by Pascal Ansell

Well this has just put my faith back in life.

The Mother Dear disturbs my Coursework-Bedroom-Workingoncomputer strife – I’m happily playing ‘The GrimmRobe demos’ and I, slightly embarrassed, make a joke that it’s the latest release from our local church choir. Ho bloody ho. She brushed aside the shite joke, stopped for a moment and asked:

“Is it ‘Atom Heart Mother’?” (the record she grew up with)

“No, it’s some ‘drone-metal’ band called Sunn O)))” said I, obviously ommitting the brackets. I sighed and turned to my screen.

‘I quite like it’ she said.


Pascal Ansell

Pascal is a fearsome, hungry giant trapped in the body of a hyperactive boy. On a mission to waste no more than 14 seconds per day, he bounds from activity to activity like a deer being chased by a cheetah. Follow him now, as in ten year's time he'll be a leading voice in something or other. He's also writing down every word you say in a small book so watch out!


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