JUNKPLANET – Not If This Was The Last Planet On Earth (Brainlove Records BL08)
Posted: September 4th, 2005, by Dave StockwellSome music courtesy of our recent Talentspotter interviewee John Brainlove under the moniker of Junkplanet here. John used to be in an electro-punk band called The $hits, and he’s continued in a similar mindset here, creating slashed-up and spattering electronica that brings Kid606 let loose in a child’s bedroom to mind. Pelting a dizzying number of samples familar and unfamilar at you whilst snarling expletives in a familiar accent, or pausing to pay tribute to Aphex Twin’s ode to Pacman, or catching you unawares with a lull of acapella crooning, the one thing you can expect from this “album” is to be taken by surprise.
I say “album” because its ten tracks last for barely 17 minutes. A decent length, for any more brainmelting splatterings than offered here might well cause some kind of spastic fit. Lovely.
Dave Stockwell
David can always be relied on to end his e-mails with one of those 'np: blah blah' things in order to remind us of how much more music he listens to every day than anybody else. His interests include rockin ' out in a major style as guitarist in Souvaris, throwing frisbees from tall buildings "just to see what happens" and simply kickin' back with his bitches in a gold-plated jacuzzi.