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KOJI ASANO – Takoyakikun (Solstice)

Posted: June 17th, 2005, by Chris S

Instrumental, guitar/keys/drums craziness from Japanese folks.
I have this theory about The Wire and all that shit. You can release any old guff and if you call songs ‘works’ or ‘pieces’ or ‘compositions’ (or anything apart from songs) people will think you’re really serious and the sound of your finger being wiggled around in your earhole could be released under the title “Fishing For Wax – a series of new compositions” and some tosser in a black roll neck will start comparing it to Keiji Haino or one of those other dudes that no one really listens to.
This album is hideous. I am really sorry. I wanted to like it, the first track cracks off with some guitar freakout action and the rest of it spans freedom and hard, rigid King Crimsonisms but the keyboards just make it sound either too jovial or too dated and it’s all from the head. Even when they really rear up and try and throw off their rider, these horses are just too polite and considered.

Chris S

Chris lives for the rock and can often be seen stumbling drunkenly on (and off) stages far and wide. Other hobbies include wearing jumpers, arsing about with Photoshop and trying to beat the world record for the number of offensive comments made in any 24 hour period. He has been married twice but his heart really belongs to his guitars. All 436 of them.


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