Posted: September 18th, 2002, by Marceline SmithI’d like to apologise for being away on holiday and not posting here going ‘woo, I’m in the south of France!’, cos now obviously you won’t believe I was really there. And I can’t even say I was so much in the middle of nowhere that there wasn’t an internet cafe as there were two in the wee town I was in. So I’m afraid it was entirely that I was enjoying myself too much to give you all a second thought. I did find the time for some record shopping though during a day trip to Bordeaux and thanks to Hugues for giving me directions to a rather ace record shop called Total Heaven which was filled with lots of UK, US and European vinyl. Not to mention a nice big box of local band releases and a big display of fanzines [all in french, sadly for me]. They’re on the Rue de Candale so go there if you’re ever in the vicinity. Shopping in Bordeaux was probably the most exciting thing I did in France but wandering about the alleyways of Sarlat, driving through some staggeringly beautiful places, visiting castles, caves and water gardens and seeing my mother for the first time in months wasn’t exactly un-exciting.
Nor indeed was my return to the UK where I hopped on a bus to Oxford and spent a hugely fun weekend there for Audioscope. Despite being robbed of all but a few hours’ sleep by Fighting Red Adair and their talking all night antics, I had a great time tending the Appliance merch stall and stumbling over to photograph the bands. You should be hearing more about Audioscope in the next issue of the diskant ZINE but suffice to say it was a fantastic day, both in terms of the bands and the amount of money they raised. Top bands for me were Cat On Form, Appliance, Souvaris and Dustball. Hello to everyone I met at Audioscope by the way, especially Jill and Jamie for making me feel like all this time and energy we put into diskant is actually appreciated by real people.
Marceline Smith
Marceline is the fierce, terrifying force behind, laughing with disdain as she fires sharpened blades of sarcasm in all directions. Based in Scotland, her lexicon consists of words such as 'jings', 'aboot' and 'aye': our trained voice analysts are yet to decipher some of the relentless stream of genius uttered on a twenty-four hour basis. Marceline's hobbies include working too much and going out in bad weather.