2004 A-Z
Posted: December 22nd, 2004, by Dave StockwellAmy Bethan Jose – an annoyingly beautiful niece.
Birchville Cat Motel: Ur-drone Emperor.
CDRs explode as the new homemade cassette labels. Well, for me anyhow.
Damn You! Know It’s Christmas – a fine way to end the year/exhaust yourself.
Europe in 6 days (see tour diary).
argh, Garage bands get out of my life.
html, I am now too intimate with thee for comfort (www.souvaris.com).
Infinite loops of sound/noise/delay. Yum.
John Porcellino, artistic genius, sweet guy, and album artwork practioner.
Key Skills, giving up on developing as the year progressed.
Linklater, Richard – School of Rock + Before Sunset = $$$ x critical kudos.
MA = Master of Arse.
Nottingham City Council has taken my sanity away and I want it back.
Ontological arguments, endless. Damn pseudo-intellectual flatmates.
Philip K. Dick, extremely mental/not mental bloke (who I now know too much about)
Questioning yourself about everything you do, ever. Fun.
Rehabilitating Mr Wiggles, as ever.
Sneinton, home of Notts – increasingly concentric indie-rock circles.
Twenty-three Productions – independent recording and production collective.
Unit Ama, The – officially nicest band on the planet.
Vandalising your own musical equipment/output. Consequences to come in 2005.
Waiting for The Brown Bunny (still a while to go yet it seems).
Xanax Tobin, a (rubbish) song by Tom Sweetlove that seemed to follow me around.
Your taste in everything sucks. I have been trying (failing) to revise this opinion.
Z‘ev is a pretentious wanker.
Dave Stockwell
David can always be relied on to end his e-mails with one of those 'np: blah blah' things in order to remind us of how much more music he listens to every day than anybody else. His interests include rockin ' out in a major style as guitarist in Souvaris, throwing frisbees from tall buildings "just to see what happens" and simply kickin' back with his bitches in a gold-plated jacuzzi.