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LISA O PIU – Whisperers, Wavers, Hunters and Sailors (Single, Autumn Ferment Records)

Posted: June 30th, 2008, by Pascal Ansell

Ah, it’s nice to receive vinyl once in a while. This one comes from a new label that goes by the quietly sinister name of Autumn Ferment Records – Lisa O Piu marks their first release.

Lisa Issaksson is a Swedish singer/songwriter and with her band are known collectively as Lisa O Piu – the Swedish ‘piu’ roughly translating as ‘and more’ according to the press release. This release gives us two songs which both master the plain and darkly beautiful niche in the acoustic/folk genre. ‘Whisperers, Wavers, Hunters and Sailors’ is a brooding and melodious tune with just enough gleams of light in a dark and dense couple of minutes. The second track ‘Equatorial Changes’ is crammed full of delicate harmonies, gorgeous guitar picking and little else – the lily left ungilded in all its rough charm.

The general production (or lack of) is what makes this release really shine: stark and rugged, and with an unbeatably warm tone that you can only get from recording it on your 4-track as Lisa did. Good stuff; some great cover art designed by Lisa herself, and I look forward to any more Autumn Ferment releases. 

Pascal Ansell


Autumn Ferment Records

Pascal Ansell

Pascal is a fearsome, hungry giant trapped in the body of a hyperactive boy. On a mission to waste no more than 14 seconds per day, he bounds from activity to activity like a deer being chased by a cheetah. Follow him now, as in ten year's time he'll be a leading voice in something or other. He's also writing down every word you say in a small book so watch out!


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